Wednesday 15 January 2014

THREE back to work helpful tips!

Sometimes I think we can waste our time on the wrong things. We'll sit there worrying over tiny little things, we'll spend too much time laminating things and freaking out about the perfection to which we cut the pieces out, and we spend too much time surfing the net for ideas that we may not need at that present time.

So I've come up with THREE helpful tips for wasting as little time as possible while getting ready to start the new year.

1. I don't know if you're like me but I waste a lot of time searching for a diary for the new year. I love all things digital, but there's something nice about handwriting out your day and making a quick note here or there in pen. When I first started teaching I came across this amazing diary. Since that first year, I've bought it every year. You can shop online for one or in store. They're usually around $25 each.

They're called 'Teacher's Weekly Planning Mate' and they're published by Educational Supplies Pty Ltd. 

The diary is broken up into weeks, and each day is broken up into sessions: morning, middle and afternoon. I love it. It also comes with these cute little stickers/labels and it covers most major events (parent teacher interviews, camp, NAIDOC week, etc.)

2. I find that I spend a lot of time searching the internet for cheap (or better yet... FREE) digital resources. However, I have come across an amazing website. Every year I tell myself I do not need a subscription, yet every year I find myself renewing it only days after it has expired. TEACH THIS ( is an amazing website filled with resources for Primary Teachers... and the best part is... they're constantly updating them!

3. LAMINATING... Don't get me wrong... I do love a little laminating from time to time... But I cannot tell you HOW MANY TIMES I've laminated things only to find I've gone through the whole year without using them. So I've started to ask myself the following questions:

  • What is it that I've laminated and haven't used? 
  • What do I need now... and what can wait until next term?
  • Who can I speak to who has experience and may know what I will and won't need?
  • Who can I recruit to help?
My friends and I have had 'School Days' for a couple of years now. We'll meet up during the holidays and work solidly for a day, getting our resources organised. During this time I find that it is constructive to chat with them and get a second-opinion on some things. I know that I can't possibly do everything at once, so I need to prioritise. I know that I'll need this this term, so I'll do this now. But this other thing can wait a little longer because I don't need that until next term. 

I find that we're all happy to help each other because we know it will all work out evenly in the end.

So question... chat... prioritise... recruit... help others and stress less!

This is my job... it isn't my LIFE!

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